Dear Guelph Enabling Garden Community, Volunteers and Horticultural Therapy Participants,

We are pleased to announce that the Guelph Enabling Garden has reopened! Volunteering and horticultural therapy programs will resume, with some important changes due to COVID-19 to ensure the safety of staff, volunteers, and clients. Tea n’ Tales unfortunately remains cancelled for the rest of this year.

The Board has developed a plan to open as safely as possible, as per recommended guidelines from health authorities. Please carefully read the following NEW guidelines and protocols:

  1. Please do not attend volunteering or horticultural therapy programs if you have travelled outside of Canada, tested positive for COVID-19, or come into close contact with someone known to have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
  2. Please do not attend volunteering or horticultural therapy programs if you suspect you may have COVID-19, which may include but is not limited to, symptoms such as a fever, new cough, or difficulty breathing. Refer to Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health for more information.
  3. When you arrive at the Garden, please check in with the Volunteer Manager or the Horticultural Therapist to sign in. You will be asked to sign a form with your contact information (for contact tracing purposes) and some questions to ensure compliance with COVID-19 safety protocols.
  4. Masks are required for all volunteers and program participants EXCEPT individuals who:
    • are under the age of 5 years;
    • can’t breathe safely while wearing a face covering;
    • have a medical reason including but not limited to: respiratory disease, cognitive difficulties, difficulties in hearing or processing information.
  5. Please follow the directions of all Garden staff, signs and physical distance markings
  6. Please minimize the amount of personal items that you bring to the Garden. Consider bringing your own water bottle and hand sanitizer to use during your stay, as well as your own mask

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we work to make this a safe reopening. For more information about COVID-19, please refer to the resources below. For more information about the GEG’s reopening, please email We look forward to seeing you back in the Garden!

The Guelph Enabling Garden Board of Directors

Stay safe, and take care of yourselves.

The Guelph Enabling Garden Board of Directors