The Guelph Enabling Garden board would like to sincerely thank Wendy Lewis, Judy Brisson, and all the volunteers from the Guelph Enabling Garden, Pollination Guelph, and Nature Guelph Wildflower Society for all their hard work on the highly successful, 2021 Online Plant Sale.
In particular, a big thank you to Judy especially for her native-plant expertise and weeks of administrative work organizing the plant lists and orders. Additionally, a huge thank you to Wendy for organizing volunteers and maintaining more than 1500 potted plants of which 500 were generously donated from her own garden. Thank you to Wendy as well for kindly hosting the plant sale drop-off and pick-up at her home. Many customers expressed how delighted they were with the efficiency of the contact-less order pick-up as well as the unexpected, free bonus plant!

Pictured: Wendy, hosting pick-up for the 2021 Plant Sale
Thank you again to everyone who was involved with the Plant Sale. Your efforts will help promote good pollination stewardship as well as support Guelph communities who benefit from therapeutic horticulture.
Joanne Garnett
GEG Board Member / Garden Manager